The island of Taiwan is a hidden cycling gem of the Pacific. It seems relatively few traveling cyclists enjoy semi-tropical paradise. The quiet east coast of the island is reminiscent of California’s Pacific Coast Highway.
The morning I made this image, a break in the rain yielded to a silvery light that glittered across the Pacific’s turquoise waters. I can still recall the fresh offshore breeze that pushed cool salt air into my face. The air was crystal clear.
Looking far to the east out along the horizon line, I could see the curvature of the earth running north to south.
The ebb and flow of the tide touched conjured thoughts about the cycles of life. I pondered the changing of the seasons, summer to fall, fall to winter, and now winter to spring.
Spinning softly along in such a place, it’s not hard to feel at one with nature. The rhythm of the crashing surf leaping and dancing along the shore lulled me into a reflective mood.
With only the hum of my tires below, I was alone with my thoughts. My mind turned to different places and times. I consider the then, the now, and wondered about tomorrow.
Places such as this evoke a true sense of liberation, a palpable sensation you can feel coursing through your veins. In moments like this, it’s important to savor one’s independence, to fully embrace the freedom of the road.
Knowing nothing of the island, as I’ve never traveled this road, I pressed farther north along the coast. Steep mountains to my left tumbled into the vastness of the of the greenish sky blue waters of the Pacific to my right. Stunning beauty surrounded me.
Seeking hidden adventures that lay around the bend, I pedaled on. The day was young and many adventures still remained unknown to me. Against precipitous the mountainside as a silent solitary traveler, I ventured on.
Taiwan is a land of indescribable beauty. To bicycle this island is a journey of the body and soul. I highly recommend you go.
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